leaving Le Marin

Hey gang!

Leonardo made it here without any problems and is already relaxing onboard.  Larissa is thrilled to have her baby brother together with us, as am I!

Yesterday we filled the water tanks, did a bit of shopping, and relaxed in the Caribbean afternoon warmth.  Last night we did a BBQ on board (thanks to the BBQ loan from Anima Mare) and today we’re preparing to leave Le Marin.  We’ll be going just around the corner to another anchorage, St. Anne.

In the meantime, we’ve managed to replenish some stocks (like French wine 🙂 ) and map out a bit of our next days…

The big day of course is tomorrow, when my baby cakes will turn a big page… into the big 30 decade!!!!

Oh, and I managed to do this today, my first step to embodying the pirate lifestyle.  The ring comes next, but the hole comes first (you may have to zoom to see it… but it’s there, with a titanium post):

Peço desculpas a Michelle e tb a JoJo que nao tem ainda fotos do Leo, nem dos irmaos juntos.  Hoje vai rolar alguma foto, e no aniversario amanha entao, muito mais!

Estamos todos bem a bordo.


One response to “leaving Le Marin

  • Michelle

    Desculpas aceitas, Michael!!!!
    Como aqui no Brasil já passou da meia-noite (então já eh amanhã rs!) aproveito pra deixar os meus parabéns e o desejo de felicidade e saúde!! Tudo de bom, Larissa!!!! 🙂
    Beijos a todos!

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